The Struggle is Real, with Noleca Radway & Lily Mercogliano Easton

Grounded Futures Show - A podcast by Grounded Futures


The Grounded Futures Show, Ep 24: The Struggle is Real, with Noleca Radway & Lily Mercogliano Easton

Uli and carla had a deep and vulnerable conversation with Lily and Noleca — two wonderful parents and educators — about the horrors of adult supremacy, the oppression of kids, and some pathways towards undoing adult supremacy and supporting youth freedom. They also talk about the joys and complexities of building trust within this power dynamic, the trappings of adulthood, what youth freedom looks like, and how this way of being in relationship with kids requires a profound resolve and devotion to care and love. There’s so much here, lots of real talk with plenty of curiosity and good humour woven in! And no fear: they both provide some concrete tips, too!  #TrustKids

Show Notes:

Raising Rebels Podcast 

Noleca’s Instagram

Lily’s twitter

Camp WA WA Segowea

The Story Store

Brooklyn Free School

Trust Kids! Book

Time Talks Podcast



 Raising Rebels Podcast 

Abby Wambaugh (comedian) + IG


Dear Mama: The Saga of Afeni and Tupac Shakur

Finding our Way Podcast



Noleca Radway is the Founder of Queer Media, a family production company specializing in audio and visual art through a Black Queer lens. She is the producer and host of the progressive parenting podcast Raising Rebels. Noleca is also the former Executive Director of the Brooklyn Free School, and now lives in Amsterdam with her partner and their three kids.

Lily Mercogliano Easton is an educator who lives with her three kids and husband in Albany, New York. She grew up at the Free School in Albany and was Head of School at Brooklyn Free School for twelve years. Lily is the Camp Director at Camp WA WA Segowea, and finds the most thriving and joy through parenting and building a trusting relationship with her kids (and one that’s imperfect in all the ways).

Music for our show by: Sour Gout

The GF Show art by Robin Carrico

Edited by Chris Bergman

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