Dreaming a Future, with carla and Uli
Grounded Futures Show - A podcast by Grounded Futures

The Grounded Futures Show, episode 22: Dreaming a Future, with carla and Uli Delighting in our Friends! Uli and carla spend episode 22 delighting in pals, AKA celebrating awesome artists, storytellers, and musicians who range in ages 3 - 63. This is an uplifting episode where they share wonderful songs, swoon over friends, and weave in other musings — including how they each find thriving in the everyday! Happy Palentines! 💫 YOU ARE LOVED💫 Show Notes: Cat: @the_invisible_museum_ ck nosun: @cknosun Grant Hoskins aka @gadzooksbazooka Jamie-Leigh Gonzales: storyloomdesign.com Uilliam’s art Julie Flett: julieflett.com Hari Alluri: @harialluri kitty lu bear: @fungifemme https://www.emergencyhearts.com/ Time I'm Still Here (U.S. Political Prisoner Never Forgotten version) | scott crow, Televangel, Time, David M. Williams, Dissonance | eMERGENCY heARTS "Happiness in You" by Nadya Geta "A False Awakening" by AwareNess Other Music played: Queen Aurora Burial Music for our show by: Sour Gout The GF Show art by Robin Carrico Sound Editing by Chris Bergman Transcripts Thanks for listening!