Leadership Isn't About Big Crazy Transformations
Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan - A podcast by Jacob Morgan

Leadership is oftentimes equated with transformation. But transformation isn't something that happens overnight. Transformation is something that takes a long time. It’s the small things that you do over time that will lead to great impact. Here are small things that you can do to be a better leader: 1. Recognize your team members - it can be as simple as saying thank you. 2. Put together diverse teams. 3. Practice self care - you need to take care of yourself so that you can in turn, take care of others. 4. Practice empathy - putting yourself in somebody else's shoes and perspectives and then responding based on that. 5. Take time to be curious. 6. Be sure you are listening instead of just hearing your people. --------------------- This episode is sponsored by Namely, the all in-one HR solution that makes life easier for your employees, your boss and you! Get a Free Month of unlimited access at Namely.com/FOW today! ------------------ Get ad-free listening, early access to new episodes and bonus episodes with the subscription version of the show The Future of Work Plus. To start it will only be available on Apple Podcasts and it will cost $4.99/month or $49.99/year, which is the equivalent to the cost of a cup of coffee. ________________ Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of speaking and working with some of the world's top leaders. Here are 15 of the best leadership lessons that I learned from the CEOs of organizations like Netflix, Honeywell, Volvo, Best Buy, The Home Depot, and others. I hope they inspire you and give you things you can try in your work and life. Get the PDF here. --------------------- Get the latest insights on the Future of Work, Leadership and employee experience through my daily newsletter at futureofworknewsletter.com Let's connect on social! Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobmorgan8 Instagram: https://instagram.com/jacobmorgan8 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jacobm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FuturistJacob