How to Think Like an Entrepreneur Inside an Organization

Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan - A podcast by Jacob Morgan


You can start being an intrapreneur now! When most people think of an entrepreneur, they think of an individual who went off on their own to start a successful business. But being an entrepreneur can also be applicable inside of your organization--it’s called being an intrapreneur. One of the things that make entrepreneurs unique is their ability to push through obstacles and challenges that come their way. Entrepreneurs are also big dreamers. They understand failures and move on to the next obstacle. Entrepreneurs also have vision. They have a very clear picture in their minds of what they want to do and the problem they want to solve. Entrepreneurs are also extremely self-driven, they have an internal fire that's always pushing them, and they don't need somebody to tell them what to do. You can have all of these qualities even if you work inside an organization. Thinking like an entrepreneur will have a significant impact on your career and on your life.

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