Focusing on Technology Your Teams Actually Need

Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan - A podcast by Jacob Morgan


Technology is changing all of the time, so it’s best to conduct technology audits in your organization on a yearly basis. Take a step back and look at the ways in which you're working and where technology might be able to play a role. Identify the bottlenecks and challenges you see. If you start using new technologies inside your company, it's important to collect data on the progress. Are employees satisfied with those technologies? Don't assume that just because you give people a piece of technology, they will automatically start using it. You need an ongoing feedback process so you can keep improving and making changes to your organization. Technology has a 30% impact on an employee's overall experience. That's because if an employee doesn't feel they have access to the tools and resources to get their job done, they start to become disengaged and frustrated and eventually will want to leave your organization and work elsewhere. --------------------- The #1 challenge for organizations right now is how to attract and retain talent. Organizations are stuck in old ways of thinking about work and they are struggling! In my new PDF, I outline 7 ways the workforce is changing and what you and your organization need to do to adapt. The Great Resignation is The Great Opportunity if you are willing to take action! Click here to download the PDF. --------------------- Get the latest insights on the Future of Work, Leadership and employee experience through my daily newsletter at  Let's connect on social! Linkedin: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:  

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