Employee Experience Directly Impacts ROI

Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan - A podcast by Jacob Morgan


We’ve never invested more time, more money, or more resources into employee engagement programs. We spend billions of dollars every year, but around the world, employee engagement scores aren’t improving. Why? Because it’s the employee experience that creates an engaged workforce. And an engaged workforce impacts ROI. If you want to have an engaged workforce, start by investing in the experience of your people. This is based on a concept created by a psychologist named Thomas Gilovich. He realized that if you invest in a physical good, your satisfaction goes down over time. However, if you invest in an experience, over time, your satisfaction goes up. Learn how the world’s top CEOs create amazing employee experiences within their organizations. ----------- The #1 challenge for organizations right now is how to attract and retain talent. Organizations are stuck in old ways of thinking about work and they are struggling! In my new PDF, I outline 7 ways the workforce is changing and what you and your organization need to do to adapt. The Great Resignation is The Great Opportunity if you are willing to take action! Click here to download the PDF. --------------------- Get the latest insights on the Future of Work, Leadership and employee experience through my daily newsletter at futureofworknewsletter.com  Let's connect on social! Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobmorgan8 Instagram: https://instagram.com/jacobmorgan8 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jacobm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FuturistJacob

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