Episode 1 - Steve Mona, Allison George & Whitey O'Malley, Jay Karen
Golf Business Podcast - A podcast by NGCOA

Inaugural episode of the Golf Business Podcast! This week, host Charlie Birney talks with Jay Karen about the new report from the Tee Time Coalition and also with Steve Mona on the recent trip to Washington, DC for National Golf Day. And Allison George of Toad Valley and Whitey O'Malley from Saddleback have some springtime Owner to Owner chat! https://toadvalleygolfcourse.com/ https://www.saddlebackgolf.com/ http://www.worldgolffoundation.org/ http://www.ngcoa.org/ http://wearegolf.org/nationalgolfday/national-golf-day/ https://www.yamahagolfcar.com/