#Bonus Ep. – “Superbold” with Fred Joyal (@fredjoyal)
Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon
“If you’re too underconfident to collaborate, you are impairing your success.” – Fred JoyalToday’s featured bestselling author is speaker, entrepreneur, and business advisor, Fred Joyal. Fred and I have a fun high-energy chat about his book, “Superbold: From Under-Confident to Charismatic in 90 Days”, why boldness is a skill that can be developed, and more to help you have more confidence! Key Things You’ll Learn:How boldness is something that can be taught.How he beat Sir Richard Branson in a game of chess.Why you need to talk to strangers.The difference between comfort and convenience. Fred’s Site: https://fredjoyal.com/Fred’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Superbold-Under-Confident-Charismatic-90-Days/dp/1544523076/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1654751547&sr=8-1 The opening track is titled “Set Sail” by Sparks Dynamite. To cop the whole track, click the following link. https://planetastroproductions.bandcamp.com/track/set-sail-intro You May Also Like… #HolidayBonus Ep. – “Wisdom Of The Men” with Clint Arthur (@clintarthur): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/holidaybonus-ep-wisdom-of-the-men-with-clint-arthur-clintarthur/ Ep. 499 – “Take Center Stage” with Janelle Anderson: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-499-take-center-stage-with-janelle-anderson/ Ep. 320 – “See Your Life As a Movie” with Bob Brill (@BobBrillLA): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-320-see-your-life-as-a-movie-with-bob-brill-bobbrillla/ Ep. 400 – “How to Become a Multimillionaire, but Not Act Like It” with Tom Antion (@TomAntion): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-400-how-to-become-a/ Ep. 477 – “P.S. You're a Genius” with Kelly Trach (@kellytrach): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-477-ps-youre-a-genius-with-kelly-trach-kellytrach/ Ep. 382 – “Coming Out as Yourself” with Stephanie Lavigne (@stephlavigne): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-382-coming-out/ Ep. 508 – “Great Things Happen Every Day” with Phil Barth (@pjbarth): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-508-great-things-happen-every-day-with-phil-barth-pjbarth/ Ep. 479 – “Making Your Mind Your Magnificent Mentor” with Steven Campbell: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-479-making-your-mind-your-magnificent-mentor-with-steven-campbell/ Ep. 475 – “Divine Genius” with Adam Hall: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-475-divine-genius-with-adam-hall/ Ep. 340 – “A Single Light” with Tosca Lee (@ToscaLee): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-340-a-single-light-with-tosca-lee-toscalee/