#Bonus Ep. – From Aspiring Video Game Designer to Celebrated Author with Luna Rey Hall (@lunareyhall)

Going North Podcast - A podcast by Dom Brightmon


“Writing is kind of mixing the genres and seeing what kind of new things you can think of.” – Luna Rey HallToday’s bonus featured award-winning multi-genre author is poet, Luna Rey Hall. Luna and I had a chat about their book, “The Patient Routine”, the potential effects of AI on writing, and more! Key Things You’ll Learn:How their poetry background influenced their shift to writing horror The inspiration behind their novella, "The Patient Routine." The importance of originality and giving proper credit in writing Luna’s Site: https://lunareyhall.com/Luna’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Luna+Rey+Hall&i=stripbooks&crid=X86OX20N4RG2&sprefix=luna+rey+hall%2Cstripbooks%2C120&ref=nb_sb_noss The opening track is titled "Money Trees" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/Please support today's podcast to keep this content coming! CashApp: $DomBrightmonDonate on PayPal: @DBrightmonBuy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dombrightmonGet Going North T-Shirts, Stickers, and More: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/dom-brightmon You Might Also Like… Ep. 654 – “Inside the Mind of a Horror Western Writer” with KC Grifant (@KCGrifant): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-654-inside-the-mind-of-a-horror-western-writer-with-kc-grifant-kcgrifant/ Ep. 443 – “Buried Beneath” with Kelly Ann Hopkins (@khopkinswrites): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-433-buried-beneath-with-kelly-ann-hopkins-khopkinswrites/ Ep. 653 – “Throwing Shadows” with Jerry Roth (@_JerryRoth_): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-653-throwing-shadows-with-jerry-roth-_jerryroth_/ Ep. 338 – “Tiny Ruins” with Nicole Haldoupis (@nicolehaldoupis): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-338-tiny-ruins-with-nicole-haldoupis-nicolehaldoupis/ Ep. 318 – “Beautiful, Frightening and Silent” with Jennifer Anne Gordon (@JenniferAnneGo5): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-318-beautiful-frightening-and-silent-with-jennifer-anne-gordon-jenniferannego5/ Ep. 312 – “Reader to Dark Fantasy Writer” with Liz Butcher (@lunaloveliz): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-312-reader-to-dark-fantasy-writer-with-liz-butcher-lunaloveliz/ Ep. 375 – “Aces High, Jokers Wild” with O. E. Tearmann (@ETearmann): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-375-aces-high-jokers-wild-with-o-e-tearmann-etearmann/ Ep. 357 – “Heretics” with V.S. Holmes (@VS_Holmes): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-357-heretics-with-vs-holmes-vs_holmes/ Ep. 698 – “From Scrubs to Award-Winning Stories” with Debra Blaine (@debrablainemd): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-698-from-scrubs-to-award-winning-stories-with-debra-blaine-debrablainemd/ Ep. 368.5 – “Hollystone Mysteries” with W.L. Hawkin (@ladyhawke1003): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-3685-hollystone-mysteries-with-wl-hawkin-ladyhawke1003/ Ep. 533 – “Anime, Swords, & Knives, Oh My!” with Sarah Humpherys: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-533-anime-swords-knives-oh-my-with-sarah-humpherys/ Ep. 631 – “Enigma Tracer” with Charles Breakfield, MBA (@EnigmaSeries): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-631-enigma-tracer-with-charles-breakfield-mba-enigmaseries/

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