Episode 445: Chapter7, verses 10,11 and 12

Bhagavad Gita Ch. 7 “Yoga of Knowledge & Wisdom” Verses 10, 11, & 12 The lecture discusses the relationship of the Supreme Lord with his created beings in this World. Contrary to our popular belief that Bhagavan is in us, he says the beings are in me; I am not in them. Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8jOW56VdfinQGoaP3cRFi-lSBfxjflJE

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Gita for Daily Living is a weekly podcast that distils the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and presents it in a way that is action-able and relevant to daily life