The Only New Year Resolution You Need to Make in 2024

Did you make any resolutions this year? In case you need a little inspiration and encouragement, Danielle shares her idea for the ONLY resolution you need to make.If you do nothing else this year, consider working on this--letting God love you. Three things to keep in mind as you do that:1. Take the time.It takes time to get to know God and let him enter more deeply into your life. Time and again, Jesus "went away to pray" and we need to do likewise.2. Screen your thoughts.What are some of your habits of thinking or talking to yourself and how might these get in the way of your relationship with God? Screen your thoughts and influences!3. Let go of fear.Many of us are afraid of being still in the presence of God. it requires a level of openness and vulnerability that might make you uncomfortable. Consider how this might apply to you and how you can let go of that fear that is holding you back.At the end of today's show, Danielle answers a question from "Anna" who is going through a stressful time in her marriage and seeking support.ANNOUNCEMENTSGo beyond the podcast! For bonus podcasts, weekly columns, exclusive live events, and more, subscribe here!Contact:Email Danielle BeanDanielle Bean on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Voxer* For complete episode shownotes visit

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Danielle shares advice, encouragement, and connection for Catholic women in all walks of life.