Find More Time in your Day

Snippet From the Show “Be sure you are not discerning your self-worth in the things you accomplish each day. You have worth as a child of God, not matter how productive you are.” Would you like an extra 3 or 4 hours in each day? We all feel overwhelmed and crunched for time sometimes. This week, Danielle shares some ideas for ways to make the most of the 24 hours we do have each day. Some of these include: Clarify your priorities. Block your time and batch similar tasks. Create a daily schedule. Eliminate time wasters. Learn to say “No” and “Not now.” Delegate tasks. Set time limits and take breaks. Take care of yourself. Set realistic goals. Another podcast where we discussed a similar topic was 5 ways to Be More Productive. ( Other links mentioned in this week’s show: Pomodoro Technique ( The Hawk and the Dove by Penelope Wilcock ( A Mother’s Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot ( At the end of today’s show, Danielle shares an email from listener Sarah who was inspired by a recent podcast and offers a book recommendation. For episode shownotes visit

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Danielle shares advice, encouragement, and connection for Catholic women in all walks of life.