GT EP76: Third Year Anniversary - Top 10 Games 2022
Getting Tabled - A podcast by Jason "The Bruce", George "The Yank "& "Major Socks"
On April 1st 2019 we launched our podcast for the first time, having a vision of what we wanted to achieve together, within days of that announcement Major Socks joined the team. From the very start of that journey Michel has helped with contributing in a number of ways, more than most realise and in most recent times Ben had been doing the same in his attempt to bring more players to the Bushido community. During the last 3 years we slowly launched a YouTube channel in an attempt to diversify the audience, learn new skills and bring more than just a fortnightly podcast to our audience, you have all helpled us along that path and we are extremely grateful of the support you have shown us. Well on the 3rd year anniversary we are finally doing a YouTube staple, our very own top 10 list, in this video we will each talk through our favourite games at the time of recording, we hope this episode will do well so that we can revit it in the future so see how time has changed our perception.