0986 – The Diction-ary of Voice – F
Get A Better Broadcast, Podcast and Voice-Over Voice - A podcast by Peter Stewart

2023.09.13 – 0986 – The Diction-ary of Voice – F **FFade (in, out, up, down, under) - to gradually adjust the volume of sound from low to high or high to lowFader – an audio channel’s level controllerFade to black/fade away – to decrease the volume of a sound until it cannot be heardFalsetto - the vocal register just above the modal voice register and overlapping with it by approximately one octaveFeedback – the loud howl-round, looped sound when a ‘live’ mic is too close to a speaker or headphones, and the sound repeatsFluff – mistake or verbal trip “I fluffed that line, can I take it again?” Foley - recording custom sound effectsFricatives – the group of sounds which cause air to ‘seep’ from between the lips, such as f, h, s, v, th and sh. Ironically heard at the start of the word ‘fricative’From the top – start a recording from, well, the start **GGain – increasing the volume of sound, usually on a mic channel and usually beyond what is often necessaryGallery – the control room outside the main studio, where a producer, director and clients may sit and work from Garage Band - DAW software that comes for free on a Mac. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.