Fractured Veil Launch, AI Carlin, God's Cryptocurrency, D&D Turns 50 GIS823

Rob was joined by a very exhausted ChrisRob after they at long lost released Fractured Veil to early access on Steam so if you are feeling generous and want to support 7 years of very hard work, please go buy it and write a glowing review so they don't have to get real jobs that interfere with the podcast schedule! But after that little celebration we talked a little about the AI generated George Carlin special that his estate is now apparently suing over, the ugliest garden in Tasmania, Amazon's new problem with AI Generated product names, Teslas freezing at the charging station in Chicago, 2 mile thick chunk of ice found on mars, space missions lost DNA of Arthur C Clarke AND ashes of Gene Roddenberry recently, computer vision experts are trying to reconstruct cash from the souvenir bags of shredded money you find in gift shops, the pastor who told his flock that god really wanted them to buy his crypto, the Japanese moon lander that landed upside down, the odds of rehabilitating foul mouthed parrots, and the very first Dungeons & Dragons was released 50 years ago... so roll for initiative, players. And then go buy Fractured Veil!! Join our discord to talk along or the Subreddit where you will find all the links

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Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda is a legend... like Big Foot. But less harry and more interested in science fiction and technology.