Bonus Round 3

We asked 100 people...and over seven responded with something other than court proceedings! Yes, its time once again to check with the results of the listener poll of Pointless vs Family Fortunes and read your feedback. To get a bit of perspective on the Lord Bob era Fortunes we decided to view a 1983 episode of its originator Family Feud and....well, lets just say there's opinions. And kissing. Too much kissing. NOTE: We had a few issues with Ben's side of the recording on this one and even with the genius Dr Paul Abbott blessing it with his special production glitter it's still not in as high quality as we'd normally like. A big thanks to him and to you for getting involved! 

Om Podcasten

An attempt to discover the best British quiz-slash-game show ever made through a series of cunning and arbitrary tests by two friends who have wasted - sorry invested - a lot of time on quizzes, questions and quick fire rounds over the past something years. No specialist knowledge here - just enthusiasm, the odd argument and a lot of spare time. Come on down!