248: Fanatics-DraftKings-PointsBet saga resolving, NBA Draft betting controversy, futures bets and more with Brad Feinberg

USBets.com Managing Editor Eric Raskin and Senior Analyst Jeff Edelstein analyze Fanatics nearing the finish line on the PointsBet purchase after DraftKings pulls out, Shams Charania tweeting NBA Draft misinformation while working for FanDuel, and the top headlines from the first month of the WSOP, plus they talk to bettor and betting broadcaster Brad Feinberg about his favorite midseason MLB bets, appealing offseason NFL wagers, and how much betting talk he expects to see on sports telecasts in the future. Find us on Twitter @US_Bets or go to USBets.com for more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Om Podcasten

Gamble On is a podcast presented by USBets.com, hosted by Eric Raskin and Jeff Edelstein, covering the legal gambling industry. From sports betting to casino games, from live play to online action, Gamble On analyzes the latest news and welcomes expert guests to share their perspectives on everything happening in the gambling world.