Episode 2: The Power of the Subconscious Mind and Entrepreneurship
Freedom or Bust! - A podcast by Joeel & Natalie Rivera

In this episode, Joeel & Natalie interview Rena Greenberg of Easy Willpower. Rena shares about how her experience having a pacemaker implanted in her heart at the age of 26 pushed her to go from living a self-destructive, 24-hour-on-the-go college student in Manhattan lifestyle to a life of eating healthy, balance, and meditation. This transformation pulled her to get her degree in bio-psychology and become a hypnotherapist so she could help others be relieved of their suffering through the power of the subconscious mind. Since 1990, Rena has brought her smoking cessation and weight control programs to over 100,000 people and has been featured in over 150 news stories including USA Today, Woman’s World Magazine, The Doctor’s Show, CNN, FOX-TV, Good Morning America and ABC-TV Nightline, and her own show on PBS. Rena can be reached at EasyWillpower.com and RenasOrganic.com Freedomorbustpodcast.com