The Art of Fiction - Henry James - Book 4
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The Art of Fiction - Henry James - Book 4 Title: The Art of Fiction Overview: Beyond his fiction, James was one of the more important literary critics in the history of the novel. In his classic essay The Art of Fiction (1884), he argued against rigid prescriptions on the novelist's choice of subject and method of treatment. He maintained that the widest possible freedom in content and approach would help ensure narrative fiction's continued vitality. James wrote many critical articles on other novelists; typical is his book-length study of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which has been the subject of critical debate. Richard Brodhead has suggested that the study was emblematic of James's struggle with Hawthorne's influence, and constituted an effort to place the elder writer "at a disadvantage." Gordon Fraser, meanwhile, has suggested that the study was part of a more commercial effort by James to introduce himself to British readers as Hawthorne's natural successor. Published: 1884 Series: The Art of ... Author: Henry James, Walter Besan Genre: Essays & Short Works, Literary Criticism Episode: The Art of Fiction - Henry James - Book 4 Part: 1 of 1 Length Part: 2:24:28 Book: 4 Length Book: 2:24:28 Episodes: 1 - 3 of 3 Narrator: Julie VW Language: English Rated: Guidance Suggested Edition: Unabridged Audiobook Keywords: literature, fiction, freedom, novel, critic Hashtags: #freeaudiobooks #audiobook #mustread #readingbooks #audiblebooks #favoritebooks #free #booklist #audible #freeaudiobook #HenryJames #literature #fiction #freedom #novel Credits: All LibriVox Recordings are in the Public Domain. Wikipedia (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. WOMBO Dream.