The Warren Commission Decided 9: Mind Control Consultants

Fourth Reich Archaeology - A podcast by Fourth Reich Archaeology - Fridays


This episode is another installment of our excavation into the Warren Commission’s coverup of the JFK assassination.  We take a break from our dig into the staff attorneys who carried the brunt of the Warren Commission’s legwork to explore a dark and obscure corner of the Commission’s work: namely, the Commission’s retention of a handful of psychiatrists as “consultants.” And wouldn’t you know it, almost all of them have connections to Cold War CIA mind-control experimentation! We are thrilled to have a very special guest to operate the excavator, researcher and psychologist Jeffrey Kaye (@jeff_kaye on Twitter). Jeff, a phenomenal researcher and one of the foremost experts on U.S. biological warfare in Korea, published an article last October on his Substack “Hidden Histories” (which you can find and subscribe to here) entitled “CIA-connected DC hospital chief advised Warren Commission.” In it, he names a handful of psychiatrists who show up in the documentary record of the Warren Commission’s working papers, although mysteriously none were named or cited in the Warren Report or its 26 volumes of accompanying evidence, nor was any of them deposed by the Commission under oath. Should you wish to research them further, they are: Dr. Winfred Overholser; Dr. Bryant Wedge; Dr. Dale Cameron; Dr. Howard Rome; and Dr. David RothsteinThe real focus of this episode revolves around our old friends Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy, who recruited these CIA-adjacent psychiatrists to perform nondescript “consulting” work for the Warren Commission, largely off the books. These doctors either had documented involvement in mind control experimentation, or high-level positions within institutions that worked with the CIA on mind control experiments, such as the American Psychological Association and the notorious Washington DC mental hospital, St. Elizabeth’s. Jeff and Don unpack a bit of information on each, explain what the limited documentary record tells us about their involvement in the Commission’s investigation, and engage in some educated speculation on what might have happened in the blank spots in the documentary record. Remember, the CIA destroyed reams of evidence about its mind control experiments; that was precisely the type of dirty work it did not want the public to know about. And it is unfortunately probable that the same goes for any covert work these guys did for the Commission…Nevertheless, we dig into some fascinating angles here and make a strong case that there was good reason to keep these doctors’ involvement covered up. This episode has it all: Paperclip Nazis, Japan’s Unit 731, CIA Project Artichoke and MKULTRA, and, as always, plenty of bizarre synchronicities and connections to today’s fascist hellscape. Give a listen, find and subscribe to Jeff’s work, and spread the word!Jeff’s Substanck:’s Article on the Warren Commission’s CIA-Connected Doctors:’s Longform Article on U.S. Biowar in Korea:’s Interview on Programmed to Chill:’s Interview on Blowback Season 3: Reich Archaeology email: [email protected] Reich Archaeology Patreon:

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