Why is Kālī Desirous?
For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish - A podcast by Nishanth Selvalingam
In the first verse of dhyānam (meditation mantra) in the Kālikāshtakam, a hymn to Kālī attributed to Adi Shankara we learn that Mā Kālī is ever desirous to have union with Her husband, Mahākāla (महाकालकामाकुला कालिकेयम्) and in the 8th verse of the dhyānam (meditation mantra) from Āgamavāgīś Krishnānanda's Tantrasara, we learn that Mā Kālī desires to unite with Her husband in the "reverse position" (महाकालेन च समं विपरीतरतातुराम्). How are we sensual imagery that often comes with Mā Kālī...