
Will Larche, Lead Flutter Engineer for Material Design and Jacob Kristensen, co-founder of the award winning Reflectly app join us to discuss design with Flutter. Flutter is rich in components and enables developers to deliver on their designers vision, but what exactly is it about Flutter that makes all this possible? Flutter enables designers to create beautiful apps and Reflectly has built their own design language with Flutter. This is a big challenge so take a listen to why Jacob and his team decided to use Flutter and build Reflectly the way they did. 

Om Podcasten

Flutter Talks unravels the stories behind Flutter. Every episode takes a look at Flutter from another angle diving deep behind the scenes and bringing an SDK to life. Flutter talks is an educational and entertaining way to hear more about Google's portable UI toolkit called Flutter. Flutter is used to build beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. The Podcast is brought to you by Codemagic