Northern Humor: Tales of Laughter in Oslo

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Northern Humor: Tales of Laughter in Oslo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Ingrid går i Oslos gater i glitrende sollys.En: Ingrid walks in the streets of Oslo in the sparkling sunlight.Nb: Ved siden av henne går Lars og Astrid.En: Lars and Astrid walk beside her.Nb: Ingrid er en Osloborger.En: Ingrid is an Oslo citizen.Nb: Lars er en ekte nordlending.En: Lars is a true northern Norwegian.Nb: Astrid kommer fra Bergen.En: Astrid comes from Bergen.Nb: De er bestevenner.En: They are best friends.Nb: Lars har på seg en morsom hatt.En: Lars is wearing a funny hat.Nb: Den ligner en isbjørn.En: It resembles a polar bear.Nb: Astrid peker og ler.En: Astrid points and laughs.Nb: Lars smiler.En: Lars smiles.Nb: Lars liker sitt hjem i nord.En: Lars loves his home up north.Nb: Han liker isbjørner.En: He loves polar bears.Nb: Lars har en vits om isbjørner.En: Lars has a joke about polar bears.Nb: Han vil fortelle den vitsen.En: He wants to tell that joke.Nb: Astrid ser et kart.En: Astrid sees a map.Nb: Kartet er stort og fargerikt.En: The map is large and colorful.Nb: Det er mange turister rundt dem.En: There are many tourists around them.Nb: De kommer fra mange forskjellige land.En: They come from many different countries.Nb: Turistene ler og prater høyt.En: The tourists laugh and speak loudly.Nb: Astrid har en idé.En: Astrid has an idea.Nb: Hun vil at Lars skal fortelle vitsen sin til turistene.En: She wants Lars to tell his joke to the tourists.Nb: Ingrid ler og nikker.En: Ingrid laughs and nods.Nb: Hun liker idéen.En: She likes the idea.Nb: Lars ser litt skremt ut.En: Lars looks a bit scared.Nb: Men han smiler.En: But he smiles.Nb: Han liker utfordringer.En: He likes challenges.Nb: Han stopper en gruppe turister.En: He stops a group of tourists.Nb: "Hør på min vits!En: "Listen to my joke!"Nb: " sier han.En: he says.Nb: Alle ser på ham.En: Everyone looks at him.Nb: Han begynner å fortelle.En: He begins to tell it.Nb: En isbjørn møter et reinsdyr.En: A polar bear meets a reindeer.Nb: "Hvor kommer du fra?En: "Where are you from?"Nb: " spør isbjørnen.En: asks the polar bear.Nb: "Fra Finmark," sier reinsdyret, "hvor det er mye snø og kulde.En: "From Finnmark," says the reindeer, "where there is a lot of snow and cold."Nb: " Isbjørnen ler og sier, "Det er ikke kaldt i Finnmark!En: The polar bear laughs and says, "It's not cold in Finnmark!Nb: Du må komme til Svalbard!En: You must come to Svalbard!"Nb: "Turistene ser forvirret ut.En: The tourists look confused.Nb: De forstår ikke vitset.En: They don't understand the joke.Nb: Lars forklarer.En: Lars explains.Nb: I Norge er det kaldt.En: In Norway, it is cold.Nb: Men noen steder er kaldere enn andre.En: But some places are colder than others.Nb: Det er norsk humor.En: That's Norwegian humor.Nb: "Åh!En: "Oh!"Nb: " sier turistene.En: says the tourists.Nb: "Vi skjønner nå.En: "We...

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