Making a Full Time Income Selling Lesson Plans | April Smith

Ever heard of a teacher version of Etsy?

April Smith makes a full time income from her side hustle selling digital downloads on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace for teachers to buy and sell lesson plans. She talks to us about her side hustle journey, how she got started and how she designs and markets her lesson plans.

You'll love that story.

We also chat about...

Making the decision to leave a teaching job
April's financial journey from debt to financial freedom
How she got started selling lesson plans
The types of lesson plans she sells
How she decides what to invest back into the business
Marketing and sales strategies
Juggling twins and travel

For show notes and takeaways:

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Personal Finance Podcast of the Year Finalist. Join host Julie on FIRE Drill podcast where she interviews guests with epic side hustles, real estate investors, early retirees, online business owners, and other inspiring people rocking financial independence. Saving on travel, real estate, and all things Early Retirement are broken down into simple, actionable steps for the average person. Step up your money game and renew your money philosophy with Fire Drill podcast.