Lentävät taksit / Flying Taxis
Finnish with Eemeli Podcast - A podcast by Eemeli - Saturdays

Dronejen käyttö takseina ja muilla tavoilla lisääntyy paljon lähitulevaisuudessa. Tässä jaksossa tutustutaan aiheeseen. The use of drones as taxis and in other ways will increase a lot in the near future. In this episode, we get to know the topic. Check out my Patreon, there you have access to all episodes with Finnish and English subtitles and more! https://www.patreon.com/FinnishwithEemeli Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCzP7JL5MgMBVmbyEGbOqe7w #finnishlanguage #finnishlessons #finnishwitheemeli