Financial Changemakers

Welcome to the Financial Changemakers podcast with Gretchen Betts – Managing Director at Magenta Financial Planning and Olivia Parnell – Trainee Financial Planner, Ascot Lloyd. This podcast series is for you if you are interested in learning about diversity and inclusion and are keen to embrace and make positive change in your life, business, management style or company ethos. In this eighth episode, hosts Gretchen and Olivia, discuss the previous episodes and key takeaways from the series with their guests, Ollie Smith, Editor New Model Adviser and Jenni Kampf, Internal Coms, Cardiff University. Diversity and Inclusion to Jen means recognising and celebrating difference and doing that in a positive and active way. Valuing different perspectives and opinions and viewing them as something which enriches our lives. If we were all the same, it would be a pretty dull world! We should create environments which enable people to share their whole selves, without judgement. For Ollie, it means everything that it has never meant! Diversity and Inclusion will ever be evolving, and we must not shy away from being open to it ever changing. We must always challenge ourselves to have hard conversations. We need to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. What’s worse? You feeling uncomfortable having a conversation? Or someone having to experience systematic suppression and discrimination? We cover lessons learn from the series and key take-aways. 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Financial Changemakers podcast with Gretchen Betts – Managing Director at Magenta Financial Planning and Olivia Parnell – Trainee Financial Planner, Ascot Lloyd. This podcast series is for you if you are interested in learning about diversity and inclusion and are keen to embrace and make positive change in your life, business, management style or company ethos. This podcast series is about creating a safe place for discussion and ultimately enabling you, our listener, to be a Changemaker. Let’s listen. Let’s Discuss. Let’s Learn. Let’s Implement Positive Change. This podcast series is supported by Nucleus Financial.