The Missing Step in Transformation

Beth Clayton (your host) is a soul-based life and health coach and loves to help open-hearted people break free from their own self-sabotage, outdated thought patterns, and past pain so they can deepen their relationship with their own soul’s intuition, speak their truth courageously and fulfill their most authentic desires. She is the creator of multiple group programs, retreats, and transformational workshops, leading hundreds of truth seekers toward finding freedom and ease in their relationship with food, their bodies, their lives and ultimately, themselves. Today, I’m going to go into a SUPER important topic, and one that often gets overlooked in the change process, the MISSING LINK when we are trying to create change. Once you can truly understand the importance of this step, suddenly so much more becomes possible in what we are creating but we are creating from a NEW level of awareness. So, please, remember this step next time you are in a place of contraction and shame and trying to force yourself to take action. I promise it will be a game-changer. I dive into: ● Why pain, shame & contraction can be powerful catalysts to create change in our lives. ● The step we MUST take in between our pain and shame and actual action that allows us to create much more intentionally and powerfully. ● Why awareness is the greatest agent for change. ● Why it is SO important to take as much responsibility for our circumstances as possible. ● How self-responsibility is different than self-judgment. ● Why humans default to blaming external circumstances or defaulting to stories about themselves. ● The three step process necessary to understand the full scope of the “problem” we are seeing in front of us. You can find Beth at: @bethclaytoncoach on Instagram Grab your free e-book, “The Secrets in Your Sabotage” at Beth’s TedX RIGHT HERE.

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Are you yearning to break free from the cycles you find yourself in--with your mindset, relationship with food, your body, purpose, impact, career, personal relationship or to the relationship to life itself? To step out of the mind chatter and into a deeper sense of self-trust, presence, joy, and fulfillment? Fiercely Human may be perfect for you, as it designed for humans curious about what it means to be here, at this particular time and space, with our incredible gifts and serious limitations, who are yearning to truly grow and fulfill their potential (not just with achievements, those are great) but with deep internal meaning and alignment with the most powerful resources we have available to and presence. We will be finding renewed strength, inspiration and perspectives in the stories of fierce humans, world shakers and experts as we examine what it means to feel powerful on a mind, body and soul level--in all the areas of our lives. Also, as a TEDx speaker, seasoned soul-based life & health coach, emotional eating expert, self-sabotage slayer, story-teller and a human who struggles too, you can expect real, raw, vulnerable confessions of what it means to THIS human to try, fail, and to ultimately start to rise. You will leave feeling uplifted, awake, inspired and will some serious soul in your step. You can check me out at or @bethclaytoncoach on Instagram!