072 Interview: Alexis Kingsbury

Fail Forward - A podcast by Henri Ghijben


Welcome to this episode of the Fail Forward podcast. Regular listeners of the Fail Forward Podcast, plus members of my Tree Surgeons Mastermind will have heard me talk about time management. Have you considered how artificial intelligence (AI) could be your best tool when it comes to saving time and stimulating creativity? In this episode I’m joined by someone who has not only delved into the three pillars of AI and embraced them in his own business but who now helps others to benefit from it too - Alexis Kingsbury “You can add so much more value than your competitors can - at a fraction of the cost.” There are two ways that AI can be approached, according to Alexis. It can either be viewed as an opportunity or something scary, something that isn’t for you. After some trial and error, Alexis worked out how to make AI platforms work for him and his business. He explains that when you start to use it, it’s not as daunting as you might think. In fact, you’re in complete control. By learning the right prompts, you can have useful content, images and video available to you in a matter of seconds. But it doesn’t stop there. Alexis shares how AI outputs should be approached as a starting point, a way to prompt creative thinking or a foundation for structuring a project, rather than as a finished product. A common mistake Alexis comes across is when business owners approach AI from the perspective of, “Here’s an AI tool, how can I make use of it?’. He invites listeners to reframe the question to, “In my business right now, what causes me pain? What takes time? What causes problems for my customers?”. Looking to streamline processes in his own business, Alexis found that Chat GPT is particularly efficient in creating written assets for his podcast. He explains that the style of content lends itself well to AI as it follows a structure and a particular tone of voice. “Embed AI into processes that you already regard as being valuable enough to put human time and money into them.” In just under an hour you’ll gain a better understanding of the benefits of AI, along with tips on how to make it work for your business. Alexis has written a free e-book, ‘Using AI and ChatGPT’ that provides exercises to help you and your team make the best use of AI in your business. Here you can identify the risks and opportunities, and get your team to understand the value AI can bring. If you enjoyed listening to Alexis, click here to connect on LinkedIn. If you’re enjoying the Fail Forward podcasts, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn for all the latest on my mission to help business owners Fail Forward. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/failforwardhenri LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/henri-ghijben-539132101/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@failforward12 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/henrighijben/