Tristan Truscott & Peter Ragnar – How Qigong Can Help You Live Longer, Reduce Stress, Prevent Disease & Increase Energy

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - A podcast by Justin Stellman

Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]We had a really interesting discussion about Qigong today. We were honored to have on Tristan Truescott and Peter Ragnar the creators of Good Morning Good Evening Qigong. I was amazed that Peter has been practicing Qigong for over 60 years and Tristan has been heavily into it for many many years as well. Qigong is a form of "energy" (Qi) "work" (Gong) that people can do to decrease stress, increase their energy as well as their vitality. To be honest I've only been doing it for about 6 months now (nothing compared to Tristan and Peter) but I really enjoy it and feel a noticeable difference. There's a reason that Qigong has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Just because we don't know much about the practice here in the West doesn't mean it's not valid, it just means that we're ignorant of its benefits. The idea behind Qigong is that every cell in essence is simply vibrating forms of energy. If you look into quantum mechanics and string theory this idea that we're all energy is what these scientific disciplines are all about. They study photons, quarks and the most elemental particles in existence. They all vibrate and they all act as energy. The idea is that energy in the body comes from somewhere and it's actually possible to cultivate that energy. We can store it and build it for use throughout the day. Have you ever been around somebody and notice how you feel like they suck the energy out of you? Perhaps it's their petty little dramas that they suck you into or maybe it's some emotional situation where you feel drained afterwards. When you get involved in that downward spiral vortex of negative energy, you start to notice an emotional and energetic drainage going on. You feel tired and without any vitality. This energy has been described by some as a one time battery pack of energy that we get when we're born and when we use it all up, then our soul says it's time to check off the planet and move onto bigger and better things. What if there were a way (similar to sleep) where we could actually restore this energy that's lost that would help us add years to our life and life to our years? Well, Qigong is the best way to do that. In the West we participate in many "Yang" or is it "Yin" exercises that deplete our bodies of energy like lifting weights, going for a run, bike riding or playing sports. These are all exercises that steel our one time battery pack of life force away from us. There's nothing wrong with that and they're actually really amazing for getting rid of pent up aggression, anger or stress. But still that energy is being lost. On top of that, the rest of your day is most likely very stressful which also depletes our core energy. Then to add insult to injury most of us aren't getting enough sleep (which is similar to Qigong in that it helps the body to restore energy). Even worse most people are eating foods that further rob them of essential energy. No wonder chronic fatigue is rampant, everybody is tires and few people live inspired lives full of vitality and passion! We have all of these "things" each day that are constantly robbing our body of energy. So what's the answer? Qigong is the best way to restore this energy back into the body. Having this energy allows you to sleep better (which further helps all biological processes), to heal faster and have more inspiration to actually accomplish those dreams you had many years ago. It's an amazing art that's been practiced in the ...

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