Steven Hines – How He Treats Auto Immune Diseases, Cancer & Digestive Problems With Great Success

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - A podcast by Justin Stellman

Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Today we had an amazing interview with Steven Hines from Hope Wellness Center in San Angelo, Texas. He is really on the top of his game when it comes to digestion, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus and even chronic degenerative diseases like cancer and diabetes. Mr. Steven Hines is also an expert in digestive diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, crohn's disease, colitis and more. It was really wonderful to talk to a guy who is as well rounded as he is when it comes to natural healing of such chronic degenerative diseases. Ideally we would take care of ourselves and eat a proper diet and never need such services. But the sad fact is that very few of us actually take care of this body we've been given by our Creator. Remember, prevention is much easier than curing. Don't wait until you have a diagnosis of some kind of disease, live now a clean and healthy lifestyle and you probably will never get a disease. His treatments include bicarbonate, colonics, massage, enemas, oxygen therapy, chelation, hyper cellular respiration therapy, magnetism, enzyme therapy, nutritional, herbal and other types of cutting edge therapies. He even offers massage and counseling because we all understand how emotions and stress play a role in gene expression as well. In my opinion natural treatments are light years ahead of traditional allopathic medicine for chronic disease. Obviously the medical system is great for acute issues like breaking an arm or getting into a car crash. But once the pharmaceutical industry gets involved by prescribing antibiotic (anti life pills) medications, and drugs for treatment management, you have a whole host of other problems that can arrive. The reason why you've never heard about natural treatments and alternative/holistic remedies for major diseases is because the medical industry does everything it can to attack, suppress, and hide holistic treatments that actually work. They have to protect their brand and will stop at nothing to railroad alternative treatments for diseases. And the reason they do this is all because of money. Your traditional medical doctor A) doesn't have time to be on the cutting edge of therapies that actually work and B) has been so brainwashed by school and the pharmaceutical sales reps he just believes everything they say. Doctors aren't bad people it's just that they don't have time to think outside the box and they've been brainwashed through allopathic educational models for 10 years of their life. In order to get treatments that really work you have to go outside the box and listen to guys like Steven Hines and others. After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * How digestion works * His thoughts on rheumatoid arthritis * Cleansing after chemotherapy and radiation during cancer treatments * And so much more! Get natural remedies that work for autoimmune diseases, cancer & digestive problems. Steven Hines explains how... - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Commercials: - Please Subscribe:

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