Dr. Alex Loyd – How The Healing Codes Can Tap Into The Underlying Energy & Emotions Of Your Health Challenges

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - A podcast by Justin Stellman

Check out all my individual health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html] Today Dr. Alex Loyd author of The Healing Codes was on the show today to discuss a myriad of health issues and how energy and emotion play a role in their cause and their healing. It's interesting most people don't even know that diet plays a role in just about every disease but they probably also don't know that emotion and energy play (what I would consider) to be an even larger role in why we get sick and why we can't heal. I've spoken to and listened to enough people over the years to come to the conclusion that all health problems have at their underlying cause, emotional trauma or stress that has not been dealt with. Think about the stress you feel when you almost get into a car accident. Your blood pressure rises, adrenaline and cortisone gets released into your blood stream, your breathing get more shallow and your heart starts pumping. What's the difference from a few minutes before when you were merrily driving down the road perfectly relaxed? Did you physically do something? Did you get up? Did you get out of the car? Nope. In fact you did nothing on a physical level other than continue sitting in your car seat. So what changed? Why did your heart start pumping and beating like it was going to come out of your chest? The reason is hormones, stress and emotional trauma. Where does the energy go that caused your heart to beat like that or your hormones to release adrenaline and cortisone? That energy must go somewhere. Well I suspect it gets lodged into whatever organ might be tied to those emotions or organs that show signs of genetic weakness. That energy must go somewhere, the question is how does this prevent us from healing or living the best life ever? Well Dr. Alex Loyd author of The Healing Codes talks about how the energy actually plays a role in the disease process. It's unlike tapping, meditation or anything else. The techniques in The Healing Codes works for just about any and all physical ailments and diseases as well as emotional issues like fear, anxiety, stress, depression, lack of self worth, fear of failure, lack of success and so much more. Everything we think, say and do involves emotions and making sure that blocked energy from past emotional traumas and stress can help to heal our bodies and live a better life. Checkout his website The Healing Codes to learn about all the success stories of people from around the world who have been using these strategies. The Healing Codes take about 6 minutes a day to do and would be a great addition for even healthy people to add to their lifestyle. You can prevent sickness and illnesses as well as helping to enjoy a more emotional stable and fulfilling life. Dr. Alex Loyd was a joy to have on and his work is truly unique so Kate and I hope you enjoy this interview and podcast with him. We discuss the following and so much more: * Cellular memory and how trapped emotions actually get stored in our cells * The 4 acupuncture meridian points where you use The Healing Codes * Whether or not you need to actually remember past traumatic experiences to benefit from The Healing Codes * How thoughts change our biology and physiology * How to raise the frequency with which you emit vibrational energy * How we can change our subconscious thoughts * How long each day The Healing Code techniques take * How long you have to do them to get results

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