Dayna Martin – On The Rise & Popularity Of The Unschooling Movement

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - A podcast by Justin Stellman

Check out all my individual health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html] Dayna Martin joined us to talk about the whole idea of unschooling children. We're so brainwashed to believe that the only way for our children to learn is to have a state run government institution teach them. Personally I don't believe it's the only way to learn. If a child wants to go to school then by all means I would support that. But there are so many problems with the traditional school system as it now is in America. Children often get bullied and get in fights at school. They're influenced by peer pressure to have sex, drink alcohol, do drugs and do all kinds of wild things through "socialization" which we all thought was such a good thing. Vaccinations are also something that parents think their kids need to have before they can attend a public or private school. In high schools girls can get the morning after pill to induce an abortion without their parents knowledge. It's just amazing. We also see school violence and shootings happening at schools these days which are on the rise. Then we have the issue of labeling children based on performance and grading on information that may or may not even be accurate. The whole thing doesn't seem to make sense to me personally. Ask any adult who thinks that school is so great, if they'd be willing to spend the next 9 months from 8am to 3pm going to classes all day studying things they don't care about. Every adult I know would rather be working and being in the "real world". So why do we make our children go to school like this? Is it because we think they're too young and not capable of adult activities? I think it is. And this is where we're going wrong. A 12 year old child is capable of doing amazing things if we treat them as an adult and with respect and give them the confidence to carry out such tasks. Each child learns differently and forcing them all through the narrow funnel of a cirriculum taught in a specific way is going to create a desire to get good grades instead of wanting to learn. And this is what we see. All kids and parents think about is what kind of grades their son or daughter is getting. It's all a performance based grading system which is archaic in my belief. To me there are so many reasons to not to send your child to school and Dayna Martin talks about how they do life and what the unschooling movement is all about. After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * Where did the idea of state control schools come from? * What's the difference between homeschooling and unschooling? * Don't states require kids to attend school? * What's a typical unschooling day like in her family? * How does school indoctrinate the minds of our children * How learning styles aren't supported in regular schools * What are her main reasons for unschooling (drugs, vaccinations, ADD, friends, truth of information) * The problem of labeling children * The speed at which child reads, walks, does math * What about High School * Recommended books * And so much more! Dayna Martin explains why the unschooling movement is becoming so popular! - Click to tweet this! -

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