Author Susan Schenck On Raw Food, Animal Products & The Ideal Diet For Humans

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - A podcast by Justin Stellman

Check out my health protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Susan Schenck dropped in from Ecuador via Skype to talk about her journey from being a raw food vegan to being a primal diet advocate by eating small amounts of raw meat. She really took a financial hit by taking a leap of faith and changing her diet even after her first book The Live Food Factor (affiliate link to Amazon) was such a hit in the raw vegan community. It takes courage and guts to change your ideas and opinions about what you thought was right, even when your financial livelihood depends on it. I applaud Susan for being true to herself. If you are considering adding small amounts of high quality animal foods into your diet, you should definitely listen to this show! After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * Problems with the paleo/primal diet * What essential nutrients are lacking in a vegan diet * Should a woman be a vegan during pregnancy? * The healthiest ways to consume meat * The Westbrook family & long term veganism * Does blending destroy nutrients? * How often should we eat animal products * And much more! Is raising a child to be vegan or vegetarian the smartest thing to do? - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest - Show Date:9/13/2012 - Show Guest:Susan Schenck - Guest Info:Susan Schenck is a Licenced Acupuncturist, with a masters in traditional Oriental medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She also has a master’s degree in applied linguistics and bachelor’s in education from Indiana University. Susan has taught all levels of education, from preschool to university. Read More... Her world travels inspired Susan to find the ideal diet that could feed the planet. Having tried dozens of diets of herself, and always in search of peak health, her search was over when she discovered the simple secret of not cooking. Author of The Live Food Factor, Susan currently promotes the raw food diet through lectures, workshops and coaching. - Topic:Raw Food, Primal Diet, Paleo Diets - Guest Website(s):

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