Episode 479 - Tales From The Crypt And The Great Beyond

Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. David begins Family Histoire News talking about his recent experience as a first time indexer for the National Archives for Revolutionary War pensions. Find out how you can do the same. Then, there’s a new cemetery website that has a completely different take on how to do it. David explains. The Montpelier Foundation is creating a memorial for the enslaved and is holding a fundraiser for it. Get the details. Then, not many digs turn up 19th century ships. Under a road! But it has happened in Florida. David will tell you more. Next, drawing from the vast archives of Extreme Genes, Fisher shares two segments that fit the Halloween “Spooky Season.” The first guest is Hank Jones, long time author of books on “serendipity” in family history research. You won’t believe some of the stories Hank has uncovered… and experienced… in our world. (Or is it our world and theirs?!) Then Sue Wynne, a New Jersey listener, shares her story about the ancestor that was buried, dug up four years later, found to be in great shape, and viewed by family and friends again! David then returns for Ask Us Anything. That’s all this week on Extreme Genes, America’s Family History Show!

Om Podcasten

Extreme Genes is a genealogy show hosted by Fisher. Fisher has 30+ years of radio experience and has had a passion for genealogy since he was a teen. On Extreme Genes Fisher sets out to educate the audience on resources and techniques for completing any gaps found in your family tree. Each week Fisher interviews national experts in the field of genealogy as well as news related to all of our genealogy. Be sure to visit ExtremeGenes.com for all the latest on the show.