E98 | (國語) 他藉刺青周遊列國,受倫敦啟發創立Demiadventure / 刺青在英國與台灣有什麼不同? / Demi精闢建議何時你該考慮刺青了

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


她叫Demi,曾是英國唯一來自台灣的刺青師,他藉刺青技能遊歷歐洲駐店與參展,他認為刺青技藝須兼具技術、美感與創意,在異文化中,他體驗人生,更認識刺青技藝在文化與文化間的不同,在倫敦時,Demi自創品牌Demiadventure,以倫敦地鐵logo發想,化身他最愛的兔子形狀,紀念在倫敦的生活,今天,他在台中有工作室,我們立刻收聽他的分享。  ———————————————————— 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》https://www.tatselect.com/ 台音貿易有限公司 ————————————————————— Call her Demi. She used to be the only tattoo artist from Taiwan in the UK. Through tattooing skillset, she travelled through Europe as a resident tattoo artist or attending exhibition. She believes this trade counts on technique, aesthetics and creativity. In diverse cultures, she experienced life and learnt how different tattoo styles or preferences were between cultures. In London, she founded her brand 'Demiadventure' -- based on the logo of London Underground, she added a rabbit to it to remember her time in London. Today, you can find her studio in Taichung. Let's tune in to her sharing at once.