E94 | (English) 你聽到了什麼?收聽倫敦一百年前街道的聲音! / 老照片能重溫舊夢,那老聲音呢?/倫敦大學聲景生態學教授就地接棒延續倫敦街道聲音保存

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


收聽1928、 2018與2020年封城期間的倫敦市中心Leicester Square (萊斯特廣場), Hyde Park Corner (海德堡公園), Whitechapel等街道的聲音!隨著倫敦在20世紀初湧入大量的勞工與移民,街頭噪音對身心理的影響逐漸成為大家討論的話題,但直到1928年,Daily Mail (每日郵報)記者Commander Daniel親自踏點五處倫敦街道,以當時巨大的錄音器材錄製街道噪音,藉以引起全民至政府正視與解決街頭噪音問題….時隔90年,2018年倫敦大學Goldsmtihs學院聲景聲態學教授John Levack Drever接棒繼續,並記錄2020年封城期間倫敦靜到只剩鴿子拍翅聲的珍貴紀錄,立刻收聽訪談! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》https://www.tatselect.com/ Tune in to the street sounds recordings of 1928, 2018 and 2020, during lockdown in London: Leicester Square, Hyde Park Corner, Whitechapel, etc! As an influx of population moved to London in the beginning of the 20th century, discussions around the mental and physical impacts of street noises became popular in press and civil society. It wasn't until 1928 that Daily Mail journalist Commander Daniel recorded the street noises across 5 spots in London, using the then bulky recording equipment. His purpose was clear -- to bring the awareness squarely to both the public and government. Ninety years later, 2018 and 2020 during lockdown, John Levack Drever, Professor of Acoustic Ecology at Goldsmiths, University of London continued this field recording; you'll find in that of 2020, the sheer sound of the flapping of pigeons' wings said it all about the peculiar period of human history we were in. Tune in for this interview and invaluable recordings!