E88 | (English) 伊麗莎白二世邀他進白金漢宮 / 他的安全帽被拍到出現在貝克漢女兒Harper頭上 / Simon Booth發明了第一部世上首部平衡車

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


平衡車品牌 Kiddimoto,源自英格蘭西南部的Somerset,世界首創它經典的木製平衡車更在2006年獲倫敦地標玩具店Hamley’s頒One of a kind award,2015年創辦人Simon Booth更受邀到白金漢宮晉見英國女王伊麗莎白,Kiddimoto的平衡車跟滑板車,你都可在英國與台灣找到,本集Excuse英國腔專訪Simon Booth,聽他細細數來這一路創業的奇幻旅程,喜歡他經典的英國國旗圖案平衡車或其它設計或滑板車,立刻搜尋最近的零售據點! (感謝Kiddimoto贊助) 立刻收聽~ 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Balance bike brand, Kiddimoto, originated from Somerset, from England. Its world-first classic wooden balance bike has received an accolade from Hamley's, 'One of a Kind Award'. In 2015, the founder Simon Booth further received an invitation to Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth II for his achievement in international trade. To see the balance bikes and scooters of Kiddimoto yourself, visit your local e-commerce sites or a retailer in your location, be it in the UK, Taiwan and so on. In this episode, Excuse英國腔! is joined by him learning how he has made it. Tune in at once. (in association with Kiddimoto)