E83 | (English)來自羅馬,他是英國的Guardian(衛報)愛用攝影師,他對東倫敦Hackney的愛,在他的街頭攝影中一覽無遺 / Excuse英國腔!專訪Christian Sinibaldi

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


東倫敦的Hackney是個在街頭仍可遇見多元文化、不同階層、不同背景居民的行政區(borough),儘管在近年來縉紳化(gentrification)加快,加速了人口的東移,它仍舊保持那叛逆不羈的態度,來自羅馬的著名攝影師Christian Sinibaldi 因緣際會搬到倫敦的Hackney,從此就與它結下了緊密的關聯 -- 從“I am Hackney”系列的街拍到“Evering Road People”,不同時空背景下,你可看到他那帶有社會觀察的鏡頭是如何記錄人物與社區的親密關係;在英國的你,若想一覽他當期的展"60 miles by road or rail"(至12/17),位置:Northampton Museum。 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Hackney, a borough in East London, is a multicultural neighbourhood where different walks of life and backgrounds co-exist vibrantly together. Yet as gentrification continues, more and more have no choice but to relocate eastbound. Regardless, the area still remains its rebellious spirit and sense of community. From Rome, photographer Christian Sinibaldi first moved to London without any idea of what Hackney was, finding himself tightly bonded thereafter -- from "I am Hackney" to "Evering Road People", against different times, one sees his in-depth perspective of observing the community: the close-knit cohesion in the community. If you're in the UK, fancying having a visit to his current exhibition "60 miles by road or rail" (ending on 17 December), head to Northampton Museum.