E82 | (國語) 來自「南方」的物件、技藝與產業的生命故事 / Excuse英國腔! 專訪南南之隅概念店創辦人Judy / 不可錯過的台灣與南方世界交會的十字路口

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


Excuse英國腔!本集聲音不出國,來到台北大安區的泰順街:一個1930年代落成的日式建築,曾是台大教職員的宿舍,今天換然一新,是個台灣與地球南方文化交匯的節點; 南南之隅創辦人Judy很精彩地為品牌有如下的期許:對島嶼的國際視野來說,北方是中心、是被仰望的,而所有角落的、被忽略的都是南方。我們致力於呈現角落的南方,挖掘各個關於物件、技藝與產業的生命故事,發展向南的視野。 我曾造訪過該店,無比驚艷店內館藏的多元文化物件,像是來自安地斯山的羊駝圍巾、尼加拉瓜的馬薩亞吊床、甚至是西非迦納的肯特織紋襯衫等,一起收聽Judy是如何以「人類學」般的精神,策劃一個又一個令人眼睛一亮的「南方」珍品! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In this episode, Excuse英國腔! landed on 泰順街 in Taipei: a Japanese-style building built in 1930s, later purposed for the hall of residence for NTU faculties; today, it's refreshingly become an intersection of Taiwan and 'southern' civilisations across the globe. The founder of Sousou Corner, Judy, has put it splendidly: 'For the Island, global perspective is directed towards the north, somewhere to be looked up to. For all the corners, all the neglected are the south. We dedicate ourselves to demonstrating the southern corners, exploring the lives and stories of objects, craftsmanship and industries.' Let's tune in to Judy's account, getting to know how her team adopts the so-called 'anthropological' spirit to curate one after another eye-opening novelties from the 'south'. ** **