E81 | (English) 聽過真人圖書館嗎?一個化解偏見、坦承開啟對話的淨土 / 概念源起於丹麥哥本哈根,模式已在全球超過80個國家展開 / Excuse英國腔!專訪創辦人 Ronni

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


Human Library (真人圖書館) -- 試想有家圖書館,你借到的不是紙本書,而是血肉之身的人,在閱讀過程,你可以問他任何你好奇的問題,你不用擔心受人批判,因為「書」本人就是基於願意分享自身經歷,而挺身而出的人:他可能是躁鬱症患者、同性戀、有自殘傾向、甚至是曾被迫害的難民。今天的真人圖書館已是個拓展到超過80個國家的社會創新實驗,在台灣、泰國、世界眾多國家均有該概念的蹤跡,聽聽創辦人Ronni Abergel本人談這空前的大膽計劃是如何演進、遇到什麼情況跟我們能從中收穫些什麼,立刻收聽Excuse英國腔! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 'Human Library -- unjudge someone.' is a 'library' where you borrow not a print but flesh and blood. During your reading, you can ask almost any question you have. Fear not you will be judged when asking questions of stereotype because the 'book' itself is someone who is bold enough and willing to share his or her life experience. The books can be a bipolar patient, a homosexual, a person who had engaged in self-harm or even a refugee who was oppressed before. Today, this model of social innovation can be seen across more than 80 countries: in Taiwan, Thailand and many more countries, developed and developing. Let us tune in to listen to the founder of Human Library, Ronni Abergel, learning how this unprecedented courageous concept has evolved, what issues it has faced, and what we could learn from taking part. Tune in at once to Excuse英國腔!