E78 | (English) Great Britain isn't great? 倫敦長大,父母來自加勒比的小國,他的膚色與移民背景滋潤他的展覽/Michael McMillan博士最知名的展更啟發BBC在2007的紀錄片

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


倫敦時尚學院的文化與歷史學的副講師,Michael McMillan博士有著豐富的移民觀點,本集他與Excuse英國腔!聊到身份認同(父母親來自聖文森特和格林納丁斯)、黑皮膚在英國白人為主的社會受到的對待與感受等,他有豐富的角色:從劇作家到藝術家、策展人與學者,他最受全球知名的展覽為2005年的The West Indian Front Room,該展覽以鄉愁貫串全展,帶有濃厚加勒比海的移民色彩,更在兩年後啟發BBC,拍了Tales from the Front Room紀錄片。Excuse英國腔!很榮幸跟McMillan暢聊他的創作歷程與他看待英國與社會的觀點,一起收聽! 🔆合作邀約 →[email protected] 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! As Associate Lecturer in Cultural & Historical Studies, London College of Fashion, Dr Michael McMillan has his in-depth perspectives from a migrant's position. In this episode, he chats with Excuse英國腔! about identity (both of his parents from St Vincent and Grenadines), his treatment and feelings as a man of 'black' colour in the majority-white society of the UK. He wears many hats: from playwright to artist, curator and academic. His most renowned exhibition was in 2005, called 'The West Indian Front Room', where the focus was put on nostalgia through objects and the interior of his migrant background -- that layer of Caribbean cultures. Two years later, a BBC documentary called 'Tales from the Front Room' was released, inspired by Dr McMillan's very exhibition. I am rather honoured to have Dr McMillan with us sharing his journey and his incisive questioning of the contemporary UK society. Tune in at once!