E73 | (English) 去過倫敦的你,可能聽過她聲音!? / Excuse英國腔!榮幸邀請到經典前倫敦地鐵站內廣播員,世界級配音員Emma Clarke暢聊她是如何錄製那永垂不朽的 'Mind the Gap!' (注意月台間隙)

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


你搭過倫敦地鐵嗎?如果答案是肯定的,幾乎能說你聽過她那經典英國的MIND THE GAP (注意月台間隙廣播):本名Emma Clarke,23歲就成為全職配音員,她的聲音堪稱英國國寶級,為BBC眾多戲劇廣播錄製,她的聲音作品出現在世界上各個角落如2016年的電影《太空潛航者》(Passengers)裡她為咖啡機那有趣帶點惱人的配音、在2017跨到2018年的泰唔士河跨年煙火秀,她那經典的MIND THE GAP就在世界的面前,在倏忽的一陣寂靜後,震撼地播放出來,Excuse英國腔!入podcasting至今,算是訪問到心中的偶像,聽眾請多加包容本集是一個粉絲採訪偶像的概念… 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Have you ever used London Underground? If so, you have most certainly heard that classic on-platform public announcement, MIND THE GAP. Her name is Emma Clarke; having joined full-time as a professional voiceover at the age of 23, her voice is the national treasure of Britain: she has recorded a lot for BBC drama radio, amongst many others, and her vast range of voice work can be heard across almost all corners of the world, for example, in the 2016 film, Passengers, her voice was heard from a coffee machine; the other example: her iconic public announcement took centre stage in London Fireworks 2018. Today, Excuse英國腔! is extremely delighted and honoured to interview Emma herself. To my dear listeners I want to say this interview can sound like a fan's dream come true. If you find this episode faintly explicitly emotional, that’s because it is! I am a fan talking to my idol!