E71 | (English) 為何有些英國品牌在中國以都會摩登形象,在英國卻主打鄉村風?/ 為何英國總部跟中國分公司常常各做各的? / Excuse英國腔! 專訪來自英國,為無數西方品牌進入中國的幕後推手Tom Griffiths

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


出生於英國、成長於紐西蘭、對中國有深入研究,他曾幫英國百貨Harrods策劃對中國市場的策略,協助眾多西方品牌進軍中國市場,從大學就開始研究中國的Tom Griffiths,他對台灣的瞭解不多,但知道康熙來了,本集乾貨滿滿,他娓娓道來他十年來在東西文化間遇到的有趣現象,從隨手買三明治當午餐到跟中國同事一起吃「午餐」,多元文化洗禮孕育他對跨文化溝通的熟稔,給自己沖一杯茶,跟Excuse英國腔!一起聽他有趣的洞悉吧! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Born in the UK, Tom Griffiths grew up in New Zealand and has been keen on researching the ancient and contemporary Chinese culture to date. He used to help Harrods, a celebrated UK department store, build business strategies for the China market. His mission is to help the Western brands enter China and localise their brands. He doesn't know much about Taiwan but fancies Kangsi Coming, a Taiwanese variety-comedy talk show. In this episode, you can learn much from Tom's 10-year experience in between cultures -- from grabbing a sandwich for lunch to being seated for a 'proper' lunch with his Chinese colleagues. His experience transforms his perspectives. Why not make yourself a cup of tea, sipping it whilst listening to Tom's sharing!