E70 | (English) 你知道在瑞士蘇黎世這家二手精品店可挑到台灣原民手工藝品? / 來自奧地利的人類學博士Rosa Enn視蘭嶼為第二個家 / 台灣居住品質在全球排行中到底好在哪?

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


來自奧地利、定居瑞士,博士研究在台灣的Rosa Enn是一個熱愛環境、公平正義與美學的地球村人,她與Excuse英國腔!分享她為何來到台灣進行人類學研究,並愛上蘭嶼。對於一個歐洲人,亞洲的一切都是充滿衝擊的,從攤商歇業後產品留在原處到夜裡獨自在路上行走地安心,這是台灣特有的信任與安全,Rosa從學者觀點討論她對多個議題的觀點,她熱愛時尚,也實踐愛地球的二手精品買賣,其中有機會與客人介紹台灣原民手工藝更是她開店的樂趣之一,立刻連線蘇黎世! 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! From Austria, living in Switzerland, planet-loving Rosa Enn has done her PhD in anthropology in Taiwan. As a globetrotter like her, she cares about environment protection, justice and equality, and aesthetics. Excuse英國腔! is pleased to hear her share why she came to Taiwan for her research, why she fell in love with Orchid Island. To a European, almost everything Asian is a clash to her -- from vendors leaving their merchandise on shelf throughout the night to strolling alone at night with no worry. That sense of trust and safety in Taiwan. Rosa shares her perspectives on several issues from a scholar's angle. Additionally, she is into fashion, through the sale of second-hand luxury goods; one of her joys in this trade is to introduce those hand-made items from the Taiwanese indigenous peoples. Let's tune in to Zurich!