E65 | (English)想了解臺灣與英國之間商貿在脫歐與疫情間的機會與挑戰嗎? / 臺英雙邊恰好可互相學習與結盟! / 聽聽重量級行家臺灣英僑商會前主席Steven Parker的觀點

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (臺灣英僑商會)前主席 Steven Parker是臺灣與英國間商務合作的重要橋樑,他對臺灣與英國間的合作契機有敏銳與深度的洞察,隨著脫歐與肺炎成為新的局勢,他剖析了臺灣企業進英國需注意的事項以及英國為何可以是臺灣重要的經貿戰略夥伴,反之亦然;既幽默又含知識性,本集是你輕鬆了解當前雙邊關係的敲門磚,跟著 Excuse英國腔!一起收聽Steven的分享! 🇬🇧臺灣英僑商會(British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, BCCT) →https://www.facebook.com/BCCTaipei/ 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! Steven Parker, former CEO of British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei is a key bridge between Taiwan and the UK in trading partnership. He's got incisive and in-depth insights into Taiwan-UK partnership. As Brexit and Covid are brought into the mix, he analysed what to note for Taiwanese firms seeking entry into the UK market and vice versa. Both humorous and informative, this episode is your easy bite of current Taiwan-UK relationship. Why not tune in with Excuse英國腔! for Steven's enriching sharing?