E58 | (國語) 當藝術熱情 x 說故事長才在倫敦會迸出什麼火花了?來自台灣的英國導覽執照協會的藍牌導覽員Craig Kao將告訴你 / 以人性出發深入潛出訴說英倫的人文知識的跨文化通才將告訴你英國人跟你想的不一樣!

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


如果疫情後你想去倫敦來趟兼具知性與感性的深度旅遊,不管是自由行或團體旅遊,那你必須要知道「跟Craig藝起逛英國 (Craig’s Tour UK)」。你可叫他「倫敦小高」,在英國超過20年的他畢業於中央聖馬丁的藝術系,從小很會說故事的他,在三年前受到英國導覽學會最高級別認證的倫敦藍牌導遊執照,堪稱需把英國首都的人文知識生吞活剝才有機會成為其中一員!因為疫情,他暫時回到家鄉台灣,與Excuse英國腔!漫談他這特殊職業的訓練與他重新認識台灣的視角,以及那些大眾傳媒外的英國人真面目,立即收聽! 官方網站 →https://art2go.tours/ FB “跟Craig藝起逛英國” →https://www.facebook.com/craigartstour 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! If you ever picture your next trip to London to be of ‘sense and sensibility’, be it solo tour or group one, you must check ‘Craig’s Tour UK. Craig Kao, with over 20 years of living in the capital, he graduated from Central Saint Martin in BA Fine Art; when little he was good at storytelling. Three years ago, he became one of Blue Badge Tourist Guides of Institute of Tourist Guiding in the UK — a national recognition of his abundant knowledge of the capital. Thanks to the pandemic, he is temporarily based in his hometown Taiwan, having a chinwag with Excuse英國腔! over his unique career stories and how he re-learn about his country, Taiwan after 2 decades of residing in Britain. Plus, he shared some of the real sides of British people away from our mainstream notion. Tune in at once!