E55 | (國語) 比爾蓋茲面試候選人約在餐廳? / 你只有七秒的時間決定第一印象:初次見面該注意什麼?視訊會議有什麼禮節? / 梅菲爾國際禮儀學院創辦人Jennifer Chan談疫情下的國際禮儀

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


電影金牌特務經典台詞:Manners maketh man. (禮儀成就不凡的人。本句源於William Holman撰寫的Vulgaria一書。) 每個國家都有不同的風土名情,有的常態是他國禁忌,當今世界各國之間的交流雖然因疫情減少,取代的是遠端工作、無數個視訊會議與居家上班,'Netiquette' (網路上的禮儀)更加變得重要,梅菲爾國際禮儀學院創辦人Jennifer Chan是臺灣極少數同時有英國與美國的專業禮儀執照的教練,她大方地與Excuse英國腔!分享我們可以立刻受用的生活/職場禮儀,立刻收聽! 梅菲爾國際禮儀學院 (Mayfair- Manner & Etiquette) → https://www.mayfairetiquette.com 🌟請我杯珍奶吧,讓我帶給你更多全球特色的訪談! →https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277 Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! In 'Kingsman', a film that is popular worldwide, Colin Firth famously put 'Manners maketh man,' originally quoted from William Holman's book, Vulgaria. Every country has its own customs and norms -- behaviours perceived normal in one could be taboo in others. Though face-to-face interactions between countries have immensely reduced currently, remote work, endless video conference calls and WFH have filled in the blank, augmenting the importance of 'netiquette'. Jennifer Chan, founder of Mayfair- Manner & Etiquette, is a rare breed in Taiwan, being certified by both the UK and US in etiquette and manner coaching. She generously shares with Excuse英國腔! tips on etiquette and manners which can be applied instantly in life and the workplace. Tune in at once!