E5 | (國語) 你說的英語塞了幾個like? Um, I mean, you know, like..... 少說填充字,更自然流利

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


英語的filler word(填充字) 充滿在我們的周圍,但在正式場合,還是盡量避免,今天列出幾個最常掛在嘴邊的,一起來聽如何斟酌使用吧! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 1.like Oh it was like yesterday. I saw like a stray kitty in the street at like 2 p.m. Like I mean I really like it. She’s like my baby, you know. 少用like,聽者會更容易專注在對話內容。 2.basically Basically, when there is an argument between a husband and wife. Remember she is always right.  That hotel is basically the best one in town but sadly it is not dog-friendly. 3.innit (Do) you fancy it, don’t you? It is marvelous, isn’t it? We’re going outside, aren’t we?  > do you fancy it, innit? It is marvelous, innit? We’re going outside, innit? 4.um/well How could I, um, order dishes with Ubereats on my phone ? Well, you simply down’load their app, be it on Android or IOS. And you’re, um, good to go really !  How dare you drive my car? Well, it’s a nice car, why not? 5. Really So, I went to a party last night. Oh, really. 6. you know Can a dog remember his keeper after 10 years of separation? Well, you know, I think so.  7.sort of/kind of Basically, she looks sort of like my sister, you know. > She looks slightly like my sister. 8. literally It’s literally the stinkiest stinky tofu I’ve ever had in my life. And also I’m literally blown away by this fantastic bubble tea!  9. I mean English is a useful and interesting language. I mean, I really mean it. > English is a useful and interesting language. I really mean it.  >English is a useful and interesting language which I really mean. 10. let’s see/let me think (see) Hey, we should definitely meet next time. When will you be available next time. Let’s see, how about next Saturday afternoon? 兩個建議: 1. 嘗試忍住快脫口而出的填充字,呼吸一下,想好再講,別怕對話中的片刻寂靜;你可以觀察前總統歐巴馬或一些脫口秀主持人如何善用短暫的寂靜,達到極佳的溝通效果。 2. 知道你在說什麼,每個說出來的字都有他的用意。偶爾用填充字可以幫助說話的連貫,過度的使用,聽的人可能會開始數你說了幾個讚,啊不是,是幾個like。 總結: 溝通先求精確accuracy、再來是言簡意賅clarity,最後才追求優雅elegance。