E103 | (English) 一本穿越時空帶你回到18世紀歐洲街頭的書,原來浪漫的歐洲不存在古早時候?/ 沒有車的倫敦街道,究竟會聞、看跟聽到什麼?/ 專訪The Streets of Europe作者 Brian Ladd

Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


本集專訪紐約的獨立城市歷史學家且是五本書的美國🇺🇸作者 Brian Ladd,他的最新著作 The Streets of Europe🇪🇺: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities 探索包含倫敦🇬🇧、維也納🇦🇹、柏林🇩🇪與巴黎🇫🇷在1700到1900間的街頭究竟是什麼情況:從街景到氣味,甚至是接到聲音,他以學者角度,彷彿將讀者帶上時光隧道,藉閱讀「體驗」兩三百年前的歐洲大城,他的研究嚴謹,筆風引人入勝,彷彿穿越,立刻收聽他與Excuse英國腔!的分享 (繁體中文版正翻譯中)。 搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔! In an era of smartphones, how much do we sense and feel when passing by all the surroundings? In this episode, based in 🇺🇸 New York, my guest Brian Ladd is an independent urban historian and author of five books. His latest one, The Streets of Europe: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities, is a manifestation of meticulous research in what the 🇬🇧 London streets were like between the 1700 and 1900. How do we know what the smell was on the streets then? What sounds could we hear if we were to be transported through the time machine? If you are curious as I am about how 🇪🇺 European cities have come to be the ones we know of today, listen on with me to have a taste of Ladd’s work of historic artistry. --------------------------------------------------------- 🍸探索來自🇬🇧英國 Fentimans 七種多層次草本無酒精飲料 (輸入優惠碼: mindthegap,享95折優惠+台灣免運!本優惠只到6/1) → https://www.sharktank.com.tw/collections/fentimans Fentimans: 穿越百年的口味,來自英國 Northumberland的草本無酒精飲料Fentimans 在台灣家中就可品嚐!1905年,來自英格蘭西約克郡一個叫Cleckheaton的城鎮,一位叫 Thomas Fentiman的先生,駕著馬車在鎮上挨家挨戶的販賣自己獨門、以草本植物釀造的薑汁啤酒,時間輪轉1世紀後的今天,英國Fentimans 品牌以草本植物釀造、活酵母天然發酵,獨門食譜和專業製程,延續著百年傳承下來的味覺旅程,從取自中國的薑根到保加利雅的玫瑰油,direct from botanical to bottle, 在紛亂升溫的疫情裡,待在家中的您或許可來點Fentimans 多層次口感的草本系列,只有親自品嚐才知道! (我最喜歡蘋果黑莓口味)。