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Excuse英國腔! - A podcast by Excuse英國腔!


(English version starts at 1:36) Excuse英國腔! 是個雙語的podcast頻道,在這裡,你將可收聽來自全球各地多元的訪談,隨著全球供應鏈的重新調整、台灣新南向政策的推動到2030年我們將邁向雙語國家的計畫,跨文化溝通更顯重要,如果你也認同英文好不等於有國際觀,本頻道會是你的同溫層,如何真正達到有效的跨文化溝通呢?從了解不同觀點開始! Excuse英國腔!可以在Apple Podcasts跟Spotify上收聽,從為愛留台灣的英倫紳士barber到上海獵頭分享如何寫履歷及求職信、從加拿大作家用雙腳繞台灣海岸線一圈到來自英國定居荷蘭的叛逆傳奇英文文案、甚至從布農族出身投身於全球推廣原住民文化的藝術策展人到倫敦亞飛台灣學院院長分享解嚴後台灣社會的變遷,還有更多特色的訪談等待你去探索,如果你也喜歡英式英語,Excuse英國腔!也分享實用的英式英語技巧與用法,讓你有機會從非母語學習者視角學習及感受英式英語的美好,喜歡本頻道的你,我希望你能在Apple Podcasts上不吝嗇你的評價與留言,告訴我你最喜歡的主題與任何建議,我也歡迎你加入Excuse英國腔!在臉書的社團或IG! Facebook | Instagram 搜尋:Excuse英國腔! 合作邀約: [email protected] Excuse英國腔!, literally meaning Excuse my British accent — a bilingual podcast channel. Here, you will be able to access unique interviews from around the world. As our global supply chain is restructuring in part due to Covid-19 and trade war between the US and China; we’ve also got aiwan’s New Southbound Policy and Taiwan’s 2030 Bilingual Country Project, cross-cultural communication has never been so crucial today. If you believe in the notion that one’s English proficiency does not necessarily reflect one’s global perspective, this channel will be your echo chamber. And why not? Then you might ask, ‘how do you effectively communicate between cultures? It begins where different perspectives are heard -- the motto of this channel. You could access my episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. From British barber settling in Taiwan for love to Shanghai headhunter sharing how to write CV and cover letter; from Canadian author walking along the entire coastline of Taiwan on foot to rebellious legendary English copywriter based in Amsterdam; even from Bunun art curator advocating Taiwan’s indigenous peoples’ cultures to Director of Taiwan Studies of SOAS, London. There are way more unique interviews featuring distinguished guests out there to explore. If you also wish to learn British English in a smart casual way, I share practical British English tips and usages, too. You can learn and feel the beauty of the language from me, a non-native British English speaker who self trains. Finally, and it’s of utmost importance, if you fancy this channel, I would really appreciate it if you rate and comment my channel on Apple Podcasts, telling me what your favourite is and any feedback you might have. You are also warmly, I hope it’s not hot there, invited to join my Facebook group or follow me on Instagram where you can join the conversation. Alright, stay safe and well, cheers!